Srs. Tessy Parappuram and Alphy Pulikkottil with their charismatic personalities and a compassionate hearts is drawn to the poor people of Harnaut and surrounding areas living in abject poverty and deplorable living conditions. They noticed the women working from early hours of the day till late in the night. The women carried water from distant low land fields and firewood from thick jungles. They work under the scorching heat and are exploited by the males and are powerless and voiceless. Overwhelmed by an irresistible urge to improve the plight of these people Sr. Tessy along with Sr. Alphy Pulikkottil envisage a unique apostolate for the poor people where a just and self-reliant society based on the values of peace, love, justice, equality and communion could be established. Navjeevan Social Centre, Harnaut was started in 1998. The aim of this social centre is the welfare and holistic development of rural women, children and adolescent youth as well as the empowerment of the marginalized. They tried to bring them into the main stream of society. Special focus is given for an all-round development of women and children especially in their physical, social, political, psychological, cultural and spiritual empowerment.

The major thrust areas of this social centre are empowering the women to become agents of social change in the society to promote women’s leadership, strengthen community based organization to demand their entitlement from the government, holistic health care for all specially for the differently abled children, develop social responsibility, teach farmers about new way of cultivation and the benefits of organic and vermin compost, create awareness about preservation and protection of the environment, formation cum strengthening of the SHGs and link them with banks for credit facility.

The numerous visits to the villages have given them an insight into rural problems and to find remedial measures. The skill developmental program for women and young girls such as tailoring, embroidery, painting and craft assured additional employment. Further, service is rendered to rehabilitate differently abled children as well as community health which are preventive, curative and promotive. They work closely with the government in organising training on government programmes, evaluation and planning of the work with the staff every week. Education is given importance and the centre provides supplementary education to school children. In all the endeavours they collaborate with the government and other NGOs.

The striking successes of the activities are seen in the lives of these people since pioneer sisters addressed their social and economic problems. The hundred and forty SHGs are a powerful medium for the empowerment of the women especially of the marginalised ones. They are aware of the strength of the group, use government schemes for their enhancement and they began to go to banks. There have improved health as they have gained courage to make their own decisions and come out in public to ask for their rights. They have more knowledge about the available government schemes; demand to make the schemes be made available to them. These SHGs are linked to the banks and a few have taken loans for Income Generation Programme (IGP). There is a significant change in the villages and there is unity among the women today.

Girls came from different villages of Harnaut and some from far away villages and they have mastered different soft skills through various training programmes organised by the centre. Several girls are experts in tailoring, knitting, embroidery, painting and different types of board making. The classes on various subjects like health, gender equality, leadership, child marriage, importance of education are conducted on every Friday. The students are very active and regular in coming to the centre. After their training most of them have started their own centre and earn decent income.

The rehabilitation of differently abled children from 2000 was a unique mission started by this social center.   It has profited both the beneficiaries and the Assumption community. Sr. Tessy’s heart melted when she realized the alarming reality of this group with poor health, low educational achievements, fewer economic opportunities and living in stark poverty. This is largely due to the barriers they face in their everyday life rather than their physical disability. Disability is not merely a public health concern, but also a human right issue. They are encouraged by the result of the service the centre rendered to them. They achieved the maximum function and adjustment of the individual so as to prepare him/her physically, mentally, socially and vocationally for the fullest possible life compatible with his/her  abilities and disabilities. Thus, the sisters relieve the pain of the sick and heal their wounds with a compassionate heart.

Fifty poor and marginalised girls studying in VIII to XII standards are provided assistance for their studies through the supplementary education programme. They are sent to two different coaching centres and are supervised by the centre. They visit the coaching centres regularly and call them every month to the social centre for an evaluation and input session. In addition, the centre conducts ten literacy centres for the girls who did not go to school and for school drop outs. Most of them will be gradually enrolled in school.

Seventeen years of Navjeeevan social centre’s presence has created a great influence on the people of Harnaut especially among the poor and marginalised. They see a great change at all levels such as in economic, educational, social, health, political, cultural and religious. Women are empowered and relieved from money lenders. There is improvement in health and sanitation and a majority of the girls are sent to school, immunisation of children is going up to hundred percentage.  It was almost nil when the sisters first arrived. Child marriage has reduced to a great extent. Manufacturing liquor in few villages has stopped by the women of SHG even before the government banned liquor in Bihar. People are aware of the benefits of indigenous medicines and they make use of it to a great extent