When the church was reflecting on the problem of HIV/AIDS in the late ‘90s, Assumption in India thought of participating in this mission by educating the children of the affected people who are in the periphery of the society.

Following the teaching of St. Marie Eugenie we aimed at the transformation of society through educating these girl children. 

We have students from 1st to the 12th classes. In some cases we keep them till they finish a short course so that they can get a job and stand on their feet.

Many of our ex-students continued their studies and now working and supporting their families and the society at large. Few have studied up to post graduation and having a good position in the society. They have assumed a social sense in them and they help others to come up in life. This gives us satisfaction and fulfillment in our lives. They keep contact with us and visit us sometimes. All are grateful to the life they received through the boarding.

   Our Vision:  Realize God’s Kingdom to be at the service of Life of the girl children of the peripheries, for the TRASNFORMATION OF THE SOCIETY

Means: Foster sense of God and promote eco-friendly way life.

Promote integral development of children aiming at promotion of LIFE for individual and social transformation.

Make the Boarding a home for the students    and their mothers, Alumnae, friends and neighbours and witnessing the compassion, love and healing mission of Jesus.

We have discovered that over the years the girls have grown a lot in their self-confidence, character and behaviour. They have become more responsible for themselves and others. Most of them love the boarding more than their homes. They have become aware of what is happening in the society around and behave accordingly. We have great hope that they will do their share to the transformation of society.