Marie Eugenie Centre for Human Development (MEC), Calicut (1998 – )

True to their heritage the sisters contemplated the idea of implementing a new channel leading to social transformation with the principles of the pedagogy of education of the Assumption, namely ‘Marie Eugenie Centre for Human Development’ (MEC). On 10th March 1998 the Marie Eugenie Centre for Human Development (MEC) was began in Calicut as the Province’s first institution of its kind. It was a significant action of the Indian Province on the occasion of the centenary (1898-1998) celebration of St. Marie Eugenie. The sisters envision this place as an open center for all especially for the needy section of society who has no easy access to established centers. Counseling is seen as an important apostolate of the center along with educational as well as empowerment programmes, with a special focus on youth, women and children and to reach out to the needy. The main objective of MEC is to promote and safeguard the interests of women in acquiring higher knowledge and awareness so as to enable them to realize their rights as well as their responsibilities with love and respect to the family, society and the country in the light of Gospel values. This is done through awareness programmes, creating group feeling and social concern among them so that women contribute to the family and society not only economically but also at all levels.

Since the mission in MEC was continuing progressively, the sisters felt the need for a hall and other facilities to conduct sessions. His Lordship Maxwell Noronha, the then Bishop of the Calicut Diocese blessed the Centre on 25th September 2000. Sr. Therese Kootiyanil and Sr Agi Thomas (late) are the pioneers who succeeded in registering the centre. The center has enough facilities to conduct different programmes. As the demand increased in this place, they made the necessary arrangements. Thus, it started to become a service providing center. A new impetus was given by Sr. Therese Kootiyanil and Sr. Agi Thomas who organized seminars, classes and counseling services to students, couples, parents, professionals, employers, doctors, teachers and families with difficulties in our center. Sr. Agi Thomas was engaged at the same time in the Social Service Wing of Calicut Diocese. She worked very effectively both in Calicut as well as in Nilampur together with her work in MEC. In MEC she served in the project of empowerment of women, conducted training programmes for different types of people such as awareness classes and leadership training for SHG groups. She guided women for self-employment and aimed at the integral development of women along with their families. Sr. Anjali Thayil, Sr. Daisy, Sr. Vimala Moonnanappally , Sr. Leela were the sisters who served in MEC during these years.

Sr. Shanti Pazhettu in 2011 joined MEC. She gave a new shape to the center responding to the present need of the place with special emphasis on social transformation through social education, income generating programmes as well as maintenance of the center. One of the distinguishing features of MEC today is the library, with a membership of hundred children and women who regularly borrow books. The centre is happy that they have developed the reading habit which is on the decline in children today. Another service rendered by the center is tailoring, embroidery, a hand work teaching unit where house wives and retired women learn skills according to their likes and interests. Through the sports dress making unit women are selling sports dress and some women from the locality have regular work and income. Above all, the dream of MEC has gone far ahead with ‘MEADOW CLEAN’ a Dry Wash unit. Its purpose is to provide job possibilities for local youth especially women, along with self-sufficiency of the center. Few women are employed and they have established a rather good rapport by their work but were unable to earn a good profit since the workers are mainly women with the minimum machines and techniques. The MEC also organized training programme for children and women such as classes for members of the library, children from the locality, leadership training and awareness classes for women.

One of the unique activities conducted by the center is Marie Eugenie ONCO Care Kozhikode. It is an activity of Assumption Together which was started on 10th March 2010 with the request of lay friends. Four members from the Assumption Together have formed a core team with sisters and devote their time and energy for this cause along with their other commitments to their family and job. The purpose of this unit is to facilitate, strengthen and improve the emotional and physical health of cancer patients and survivors.