Dhyan Jyoti Kanya Ashram School Boarding, Tilloli (1996 – )

Dnyan Jyoti Kanya Ashram School Boarding, Tilloli, is the only Catholic boarding for tribal girls in Nashik district which accommodates students between the ages of five to seventeen years. Earlier there was no education for girls in tribal areas of Nashik district and women were brutally exploited. The sisters were moved with love and compassion, seeing their cruel plight as well as the lack of opportunity for progress. The sisters felt an inner urge to plunge themselves into the task of improving the social, educational and family life of girls by providing them a residence for quality education. The boarding accommodates four hundred and eighty to five hundred girls every year. They come from far away tribal villages to seek a disciplined education with high morale.

The students are provided with a healthy living atmosphere, space for quality education and a time-table for a disciplined life. Besides academic activities, health care, para- academic and extra-curricular activities provide them with opportunities to develop their talents as well as learning qualities. Along with the sisters there are three full time workers in the hostel and two wardens’ one for primary and the other for high school section to take care of their needs. There are six cooks who prepare nutritious and delicious food.

Dnyan Jyoti Kanya Ashram School Boarding was the symbolic gesture of the sisters who made an attempt in building the tribal society through education. The wardens with the support of the sisters managed the boarding. The mission of taking care of these five hundred adivasi girls is a very challenging task as well as a rewarding mission. It encouraged the sisters to be more caring, daring, risk taking, generous, flexible and committed. They responded to the real needs of the tribal people through educating them with a holistic and integrated approach. It demands from them motherly care and attention, keeping awake in the nights to be cautious and wise in dealing with them. Moreover, it is a government recognized and aided boarding, so there are government officials who supervise their work and activities.

The spiritual energy which the sisters receive from their personal and community prayers nourishes them to implement their best in serving the poor adivasi girls day and night. During the period of 1996 to 2021 hundreds of girls have passed out of the boarding with values of love, sharing, solidarity and responsibility. They leave the boarding with the hope of facing the future courageously.