Piriaponch Community, Simdega (2000 – )

On 6th February 2004, the sisters reached Piriaponch, the long-awaited Promised Land. The Diocese provided the sisters with one permanent teaching post in the school as well. They are given a residence in the school building. They are also allotted a piece of land about three acres with thirteen fruit-bearing Mahwah trees. His Excellency Joseph Minj blessed the residence of the sisters on 8th February 2004. Soon the sisters traveled from village to village, met people, listened to their joys and problems. They learned about the people’s socio-economic situation, joined in their joyful celebrations of marriages, local feasts, and participated in the activities of the parish such as liturgy, family prayer, preparation for sacraments, animation of the Catholic Sabha, Mahila Sangh, youth group, and Cruz veer. The sisters taught in the parish school and in a government school in the village next to the convent. 

As more members join the community there are more initiatives as well as more life in the mission. In 2006 the Province constructed a compound wall around the land given to them for protecting the land and for future development. Later the convent and social center were built on the same land. The blessing and inauguration of the convent, Assumption nursery school, and Jeevan Jyothi Social Centre was on 6th March 2014 by the parish priest, Fr. Paulus Lakra, in the presence of local people and leaders.

This community is actively involved in educational, pastoral ministry, vocation promotion, and other works. The Piriaponch community is at the service of the marginalized and the voiceless of society. In the arena of multiple services to empower and enhance the lives of the poor, they make excellent and extraordinary contributions. In the midst of poverty, exploitation, and oppression, the sisters are able to truly live and bear witness to the abundance of compassion, love, and solidarity leading to the transformation of society.